
This is a collection of project modules designed to support the New Media + Sound Arts curriculum at Emily Carr University. Each module focuses on a different set of technical processes that relate to interactivity, sound art, digital fabrication, and new media. Together, these modules are part of an evolving introduction to art and craft practices that use computers and electronics. They are also an introduction to the critical, social, and cultural issues embedded within concepts like interactivity, computation, and sound. outlook india

The hope is that the projects are clear enough to be useful to artists and designers who are encountering these topics for the first time, but open enough to allow for a variety of expressive perspectives and continued experimentation.

In each module, I try to include tutorials, readings, examples, and ideas for expanding on the basic processes. All of the practices and perspectives are dynamic, and I try to update modules each time I teach them.

If you have questions, corrections, or additions, feel free to email me.

Feel free to use and share this work — Creative Commons Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0 International License.