hearing & listening

‘Hearing’ and ‘listening’ are often used interchangeably, but it might be helpful to make a distinction between them. Let’s define hearing as primarily a passive activity, something you do without conscious effort. Then listening becomes an activity that requires engaged, focused effort and different forms of attention.

deep listening

Pauline Oliveros was a composer of both acoustic and electronic music. She was also a performer and teacher well known for developing the practice of Deep Listening. From the Deep Listening Institute’s website:

Deep Listening, as developed by Pauline Oliveros, explores the difference between the involuntary nature of hearing and the voluntary, selective nature of listening. The practice includes bodywork, sonic meditations, and interactive performance, as well as listening to the sounds of daily life, nature, one’s own thoughts, imagination, and dreams. It cultivates a heightened awareness of the sonic environment, both external and internal, and promotes experimentation, improvisation, collaboration, playfulness, and other creative skills vital to personal and community growth. 

from the center for deep listening

As an introduction to these ideas, I recommend the two short texts below, but there is far more to read if you are interested in deep listening. You can find some of her music online — I’ve added Accordion & Voice below. It’s her first solo album, from 1982, and it introduces. Pauline touches on some of the deep listening ideas in her talk. (disregard the “keep it simple” TedX tagline, as Pauline surely would).

Accordion & Voice was the first of my recordings as a soloist. I was living in an A-frame house in a meadow just below Mount Tremper at Zen Mountain Center. I had a wonderful view of the graceful saddle mountain top. When away on a performance trip I would imagine the mountain as I played Rattlesnake Mountain. I followed the feelings and sensations of my many experiences of the mountain – the changing colors of the season, the breezes and winds blowing through the grasses and trees. Horse Sings From Cloud taught me to listen to the depth of a tone and to have patience. Rather than initiating musical impulses of motion, melody and harmony I wanted to hear the subtlety of a tone taking space and time to develop. The tones linger and resonate in the body, mind, instrument and performance space. My thanks to Important Records for bringing these pieces to be heard again.

~ Pauline Oliveros, 2007

Christine Sun Kim is an artist currently exploring and expanding on how we listen–in her own words…

Christine Sun Kim: The World is Sound

